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 ผู้แต่ง  Bruner, Robert F
Case studies in finance : managing for corporate valuecreation / Robert F. Bruner
 ISBN  007125417X
 ISBN  978-007-12-5417-5
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007
 เลขเรียก  Acc 24
 ครั้งที่พิมพ์  5th ed
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  xlvii, 785 p. : ill
 หมายเหตุ  Partial Contents: 1. Setting some themes
-- Warren E. Buffett
-- Bill Millerand value trust
-- Ben & Jerry^'s homemade
-- The battle for value, 2004: FedEx Corp. vs. United Parcel Service, Inc.
-- 2. Financial analysis and forecasting
-- The financial detective, 2005
-- Kripy Kreme Doughnuts, inc.
-- The Body Shop International PLC 2001: an introduction tofinancial modeling
-- Padgett Paper Product Company
-- Kota Fibres, Ltd. -- Deutsche Brauerei -- ServerVault : ^"Reliable, Secure, and Wicked Fast^" -- 3: Estimating the cost of capital -- ^"Best Practice^" in Estimating the Cost of Capital: Survey and Synthesis -- Nike, Inc.: cost of capital -- Coke versus Pepsi, 2001 -- Teletech Corporation,2005 -- The Boeing 7E7 -- 4: Capital budgeting and resource allocation -- The investment detective -- Fonderia di Torino S.p.A. -- Compass records -- Diamond Chemical plc (A): the Merseyside project -- Diamond Chemicals plc (B) : Merseyside and Rotterdam projects -- Genzyme/GelTex Pharmaceuticals joint venture -- Euroland Foods S.A. -- Star River Electronics Ltd. -- 5: Managementof the firm^'s equity: dividends, repurchases, initial offerings -- Gainesboro Machine Tools Corporation -- Jetblue Airways IPO Valuation -- Purinex, Inc. -- 6: Management of the corporate capital structure -- An introduction to debt policy and value -- Structuring corporate financial policy: diagnosis of problems and evaluation of strategies -- The Wm. Wringley Jr. Company: capital structure, valuation, and cost of capital -- Deluxe Corporation -- Rosario Acero S.A. -- Deutsche Bank Securities: financing the acquisition of consolidated supply S.A. -- Threshold Sports, LLC -- 7: Analysis of financing tactics: leases, options, and foreign currency -- Merton Electronic Corporation -- Carrefour S.A. -- National Railroad Passenger Corporation (^"Amtrak^"): Acela Financing -- Primus Automation division, 2002 -- Corning, Inc. : Zero coupon convertible debentures due November 8, 2015 (A) -- Enron Corporation^'s Weather Derivatives (A) --8: Valuing the enterprise : acquisitions and buyouts -- Arcadiam Microarray Technologies, Inc. -- Yeats Valves andControls Inc. -- Chrysler Corporation: negotiations between Daimler and Chrysler -- Palamon Capital Parters/TeamSystem S.p.A. -- General Mills^' Acquisition of Digitech : negotiating price and form of payment -- Structuring Repsol^'s Acquisition of YPF S.A. (A) -- Hostile Takeover : a Primer for the decision maker -- General Electric^'s Proposed Acquisition of Honeywell -- The Hilton-ITT wars
 หัวเรื่อง  Corporations--Finance--Case studies
 หัวเรื่อง  International business enterprises--Finance--Case studies
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    ผู้แต่ง [Bruner, Robert F]



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