ผู้แต่ง |
Schaefer, Richard T. | ชื่อเรื่อง |
Sociology : a brief introduction / Richard T. Schaefer. | ISBN |
| ISBN |
| พิมพ์ลักษณ์ |
Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2008 | เลขเรียก |
Oth 31 | ครั้งที่พิมพ์ |
7th ed. | ลักษณะทางกายภาพ |
xxxii, 479 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. | หมายเหตุ |
Partial Contents: 1. Understanding sociology -- What is sociology? -- Whatis sociological theory? -- The development of sociology --Major theoretical perspectives -- Applied and clinicalsociology -- Developing the sociological imagination -- 2.Sociological research -- What is the scientific method? --Major research designs -- Ethics of research -- Technologyand sociological research -- 3. Culture -- Culture andsociety -- Development of culture around the world --Elements of culture -- Culture and the dominant ideology -- Cultural variation -- 4. Socialization -- The role ofsocialization -- The self and socialization --Socialization and the life course -- Agents ofsocialization -- 5. Social interaction, groups, and socialstructure -- Social interaction and reality -- Elements ofsocial structure -- Social structure in global perspective-- Understanding organizations -- The changing workplace -- 6. The mass media -- Sociological perspectives of themedia -- The audience -- The media industry -- 7. Devianceand social control -- Social control -- Deviance -- Crime-- 8. Stratification and social mobility in the UnitedStates -- Understanding stratification -- Stratificationby social class -- Social mobility -- 9. Global inequality-- The global divide -- Stratification in the world system-- Stratification within nations : a comparativeperspective -- Case study : stratification in Maxico 10.Racial and ethnic inequality -- Minority, racial, andethnic groups -- Prejudice and discrimination -- Studyingrace and ethnicity -- Patterns of intergroup relations --Impact of global immigration -- Race and ethnicity in theUnited States -- | หมายเหตุ |
Partial Contents: 11. Stratification by gender and age -- Socialconstruction of gender -- Explaining stratification bygender -- Women : the oppressed majority -- Aging andsociety -- Explaining the aging process -- Role transitionthroughout the life course -- Age stratification in theUnited States -- 12. The family and intimate relationships -- Global view of the family -- Studying the family --Marriage and family -- Divorce -- Diverse lifestyles --13. Religion and education -- Durkheim and thesociological approach to religion -- World religions --Sociological explanations of religion -- Components ofreligion -- Religious organization -- Case study: religionin India --Sociological perspectives on education --Schools as formal organizations -- 14. Government and theeconomyt -- Economic systems -- Case study: capitalism inChina -- Power and authority -- Types of government --Political behavior in the United States -- Models of powerstructure in the United States -- War and peace -- Thechanging economy -- 15. Population, communities, andhealth -- Demography : the study of population -- Worldpopulation patterns -- Fertility patterns in the UnitedStates -- How have communities changed? -- Urbanization --Types of communities -- Sociological perspectives onhealth and illness -- Social epidemiology and health --16. Globalization, the environment, ans social change --Social movements -- Theories of social change --Resistance to social change -- Global social change --Sociak change and the environment. | หัวเรื่อง |
Sociology | หัวเรื่อง |
United States--Social conditions--1980 |