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 ผู้แต่ง  KemperE. Lewis
Decision making in engineering design / edited by KemperE. Lewis, Wei Chen and Linda C. Schmidt
 ISBN  978-079-18-0246-5
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  New York : ASME Press, c2006
 เลขเรียก  620.0042 KD
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  vi, 344 p. : ill. ; 29 cm 4,117 Bath
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: The need for design theory research / Delcie R. Durham
--The open workshop on decision-based design / Wei Chen, Kemper E. Lewis, and Linda C. Schmidit
-- Utility functionfundamentals / Deborah L. Thurston
-- Normative decision analysis in engineering design / Sundar Krishnamurty
-- Fundamentals and implications of decision-making / Donald G. Saari
-- Preference modeling in engineering design / Jonathan Barzilai
-- Stimulating creative design alternatives using customer values / Ralph L. Keeney
-- Generating design alternatives across abstraction levels /William H. Wood and Hui Dong
-- Fundamentals of economic demand modeling: lessons from travel demand analysis / Kenneth A. Small
-- Discrete choice demand modeling for decision-based design / Henk Jan Wassenaar, Deepak Kumar, and Wei Chen
-- The role of demand modeling in product planning / H.E. Cook -- Multi-attribute utility analysis of conflicting preferences / Deborah L. Thurston -- On thelegitimacy of pairwise comparisons / Clive L. Dym, WilliamH. Wood, and Michael J. Scott -- Multi-attribute decision-making using hypothetical equivalents and inequivalents / Tung-King See, Ashwin Gurnani, and Kemper Lewis -- Multiobjective decision-making using physical programming / Achille Messac -- Decision-based collaborative optimization of multidisciplinary systems / John E. Renaudand Xiaoyu (Stacey) Gu -- A designer^'s view to economics and finance / Panos Y. Papalambros and Panayotis Georgiopoulos -- Multilevel optimization for enterprise-driven decision-based product design / Deepak K. D. Kumar,Wei Chen, and Harrison M. Kim -- A decision-based perspective on the vehicle development process / Joseph A.Donndelinger -- Product development and decision production systems / Jeffrey W. Herrmann and Linda C. Schmidt -- Game theory in decision-making / Charalambos. D. Aliprantis and Subir K. Chakrabarti -- Analysis of negotiation protocols for distributed design / Timothy Middelkoop, David L. Pepyne, and Abhijit Deshmukh -- The dynamics of decentralized design processes: the issue of convergence and its impact on decision-making / Vincent Chanron and Kemper E. Lewis -- Value aggregation for collaborative design decision-making / Yan Jin and Mohammad Reza Danesh -- The validation square: how does one verify and validate a design method? / Carolyn C. Seepersad ... [et al.] -- Model-based validation of designmethods / Dan Frey and Xiang Li -- Development and use of design method validation criteria / Andrew Olewnik and Kemper E. Lewis
 หัวเรื่อง  Engineering design--Decision making
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Lewis, Kemper E
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Chen, Wei, 1966 Sept. 4-
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Schmidt, Linda C
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620.0042 KD 2006  
ไม่พบชื่อสถานที่ 600 On Shelf
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