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E-books : เกี่ยวกับ Collections
 ผู้แต่ง  Frank R.Burden
Environmental monitoring handbook / editor, Frank R.Burden
 ISBN  0071351760(alk.paper)
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002
 เลขเรียก  628.80287 EB
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  1 v. (various pagings) : ill., maps ; 24 cm 3878
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: What Quality Guidelines / Barry T. Hart
-- Design of WaterQuality Monitoring Programs / William A. Maher and Graeme Batley
-- In-Situ Measurement of Physicochemical Water Quality Parameters / Ian D. McKelvie
-- Water Quality Assessment by Algal Monitoring / Martyn Kelly
-- Biological Monitoring and Assessment Using Invertebrates /Ian C. Campbell
-- Monitoring of Trace Metals and Metalloids in Natural Waters / Simon C. Apte, Graeme Batley, and William A. Maher
-- Analysis of Organic Substances in Natural Water / Andrew Revill
-- Environmental Monitoring of Nutrients / Grady Hanrahan, Paulo Gradolinski, Martha Gledhill, and Paul Worsfold
-- Biomarker Approaches for Ecotoxicological Biomonitoring atDifferent Levels of Biological Organization / Richard Handy, Awadhesh Jha, and Michael Depledge
-- Inorganic Nonmetallic Substances / Ian D. McKelvie == Introduction to Soils and Sediments / Ulrich Forstner
-- Soil and Sediment Problems / Ulrich Forstner -- Soil and Sediment Remediation / Ulrich Forstner, Eberhard Beitinger, Frank Tarnowski, Manual Gehrke, Harald Burmeier, and Patrick Jacobs -- Sediment Sampling, Sample Preparation, Grain Size Corrections, and Chemical Criteria / Ulrich Forstner -- Sediment Physical Parameters and Techniques / Alex Zeman and Timothy Patterson -- Sediments and Soils: Integrated Process Studies / Ulrich Forstner -- Sediment and Soil Quality Criteria / Wolfgang Ahlf, Thomas Braunbeck, Susanne Heise, and Henner Hollert -- Surface-Atmosphere Exchanges of Chemical Compounds and Global Change / Guy Brasseur, Timothy Bates, and Claire Granier -- Automated Weather Observation for Environmental Monitoring / Janne Rinne -- Tethered-Balloon Profiling forBoundary Layer Atmospheric Chemistry / Jim Greenberg and Alex Guenther -- Sampling of Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) with Sorbent Tubes and Their Analysis by GC-MS / Paolo Ciccioli, Enzo Brancaleoni, Massimilliano Frattoni, and Christophe Maris -- Aerosol Sampling and Analysis / Paulo Artaxo -- Deposition from the Atmosphere / Stanislaw Cieslik -- Trace Gas Emission Measurements / Alex Guenther -- Introduction to Data Analysis / Frank R. Burden -- Chemometric Tools and Techniques in Environmental Monitoring / Mike J. Adams -- Time-Series Analysis / Richard G. Brereton
 หัวเรื่อง  Environmental monitoring
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Burden, Frank R
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628.80287 EB 2002  
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