ผู้แต่ง |
Tribikram Kundu | ชื่อเรื่อง |
Advanced ultrasonic methods for material and structureinspection / edited by Tribikram Kundu | ISBN |
| พิมพ์ลักษณ์ |
London, UK ; Newport Beach, CA, USA : ISTE, 2007 | เลขเรียก |
620.1 KA | เลขหมู่ |
TA417.4 .A38 2007 | ลักษณะทางกายภาพ |
xiv, 393 p. : ill. ; 24 cm | หมายเหตุ |
Contents: An introduction to failure mechanisms and ultrasonicinspection / Kumar V. Jata, Tribikram Kundu, Triplicane A.Parthasarathy -- Health monitoring of composite structuresusing ultrasonic guided waves / Sauvik Banerjee .. [et al.] -- Ultrasonic measurement of micro-acoustic properties of the biological soft materials / Yoshifumi Saijo -- Corrosion and erosion monitoring of pipes by an ultrasonic guided wave method / Geir Instanes ... [et al.] -- Modeling of the ultrasonic field of two transducers immersed in a homogenous fluid using the distributed pointsource method / Rais Ahmad, Tribikram Kundu, Dominique Placko -- Ultrasonic scattering in textured polycrystalline materials / Liyong Yang, Goutam Ghoshal, Joseph A. Turner -- Embedded ultrasonic NDE with piezoelectric wafer active sensors / Victor Giurgiutiu -- Mechanics aspects of non-linear acoustic signal modulationdue to crack damage / Hwai-Chung Wu, Kraig Warnemuende -- Non-contact mechanical characterization and testing of drug tablets / Cetin Cetinkaya ... [et al.] -- Split Hopkinson bars for dynamic structural testing / Chul Jin Syn, Weinong W. Chen | ชื่อชุด |
Instrumentation and measurement series | หัวเรื่อง |
Ultrasonic testing | ผู้แต่งร่วม |
Kundu, T. (Tribikram) |