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 ผู้แต่ง  Muangsamai, Pornsiri, 1961-
EFL learning/writing development in the Internetenvironment [electronic resource] : a case study from pre-medical students' perspectives / by Pornsiri Muangsamai
 ISBN  974-537-782-1
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2003
 เลขเรียก  420 po
 หมายเหตุ  Title from first page of PDF file
 หมายเหตุ  Document formatted into pages; contains xvi, 260 p. : ill.(some col.)
 หมายเหตุ  Advisor: Keiko Samimy, College of Education
 หมายเหตุ  Thesis (Ph. D.)-- Ohio State University, 2003
 หมายเหตุ  Summary: Abstract: The current study focuses on pre-medicalstudents^' perceptions of English learning/writing development in an Internet-integrated English as a foreignlanguage (EFL) classroom. The overall objectives of the study were to describe five students^' (a) experience in English education without the Internet at the pre-university level and with the Internet at the university level, (b) perceptions of Internet uses in communication via the online class discussion group, the Triampaet group,in research via Web search, and in construction via group homepage project if they had impacts on their English learning/writing development. The content for the three activities embraced English and medical and related fields. The data from interviews, observation, and documents were analyzed qualitatively and from writing samples quantifiably. The results showed that the participants welcomed applications of the Internet in the English class. They could push their boundaries of learning settings from the classroom to the virtual world at their convenience, their own learning pace and strategies, and for their own needs and interests. Connections made among themselves in online group discussions, their positions as WWW searchers and readers,and their work on the group Web page motivated their self-engagement in class assignments, stimulated their senses of authorship, empowered their English learning/writing competence, and promoted interdisciplinary learning of their medical and related fields, electronic literacy, andEnglish. Their perceptions on writing were supported by the findings through T-unit and error-free T-unit analysesof their first and last writing samples. Also included in the findings are their strengths and problems of the Internet in English learning from their perspectives. Results discussed in terms of impacts of the Internet activities on the participants^' English learning/writing abilities included communication with peers, topics of discussions, their roles as authors, and relationships between English proficiency and the pre-medical students^' abilities to access Web pages, and between English proficiency and their degree of writing development. Thesefindings led to pedagogical implications of considering construction of class assignments involving learners^' areas of interests in connection with the Internet and itsmultimedia features. The teacher^'s roles in providing students with feedback and other assistance are necessary for their English language and writing development
 หัวเรื่อง  English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers
 หัวเรื่อง  Internet literacy--Case studies
 เชื่อมโยง  Connect to this title online
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