ผู้แต่ง |
Kuppan, T., 1957- | ชื่อเรื่อง |
Heat exchanger design handbook [electronic resource] / Kuppan Thulukkanam | ISBN |
| พิมพ์ลักษณ์ |
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2013 | เลขเรียก |
621.402 TH | ครั้งที่พิมพ์ |
2nd ed | ลักษณะทางกายภาพ |
1216 p. : ill | หมายเหตุ |
Contents: ch. 1. Heat exchangers : introduction, classification, andselection -- ch. 2. Heat exchanger thermohydraulicfundamentals -- ch. 3. Heat exchanger thermal design --ch. 4. Compact heat exchangers -- ch. 5. Shell and tubeheat exchanger design -- ch. 6. Regenerators -- ch. 7.Plate heat exchangers and spiral plate heat exchangers --ch. 8. Heat transfer augmentation -- ch. 9. Fouling -- ch.10. Flow-induced vibration of shell and tube heatexchangers -- ch. 11. Mechanical design of shell and tubeheat exchangers -- ch. 12. Corrosion -- ch. 13. Materialselection and fabrication -- ch. 14. Quality control andquality assurance, inspection, and nondestructive testing-- ch. 15. Heat exchanger fabrication -- ch. 16. Heatexchanger installation, operation, and maintenance | หมายเหตุ |
Summary: ^"This comprehensive reference covers all the importantaspects of heat exchangers (HEs): design and modes ofoperation and practical, large-scale applications inprocess, power, petroleum, transport, air conditioning,refrigeration, cryogenics, heat recovery, energy, andother industries. It includes over 400 drawings, diagrams,tables, and equations, making it a great resource formechanical, chemical, and petrochemical engineers; processequipment and pressure vessel designers; and upper-levelundergraduate and graduate students. This second editionincludes updated material throughout; coverage of thelatest advances in HE design techniques; expanded andupdated coverage of materials selection; and a look at thenewest fabrication techniques^"-- Provided by publisher | หัวเรื่อง |
Heat exchangers--Design and construction--Handbooks,manuals, etc |