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 ค้นหา ชื่อผู้แต่ง Voutchkov, Nikolay

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 ผู้แต่ง  Voutchkov, Nikolay
Desalination engineering. Operation and maintenance / Nikolay Voutchkov
 ISBN  978-007-18-0421-9
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  New York McGraw-Hill Education, 2014
 เลขเรียก  628.1 VD
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  xxiv, 307 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction
-- 1.1.Reverse Osmosis Fundamentals
-- 1.1.1. Key Components ofthe Desalination Plant Treatment Process
-- 1.1.2. KeyPerformance Parameters of RO Systems
-- 1.1.3.Desalination Plant Classification and Configuration
--1.1.4. Criteria for Well-Operating Plants
-- 1.2. SourceWater Quality Characterization
-- 1.2.1. Minerals
--1.2.2. Dissolved Gases
-- 1.2.3. Particulate Foulants andMeasurement Methods
-- 1.2.4. Colloidal Foulants -- 1.2.5.Mineral Membrane-Scaling Compounds -- 1.2.6. NaturalOrganic Foulants -- 1.2.7. Microbiological Foulants andMembrane Biofouling -- 1.2.8. Pathogens -- 1.2.9. Oxidants-- 1.2.10.Compounds That Could Damage RO Membranes --1.2.11.Compounds Impacting Discharge Quality -- References-- 2. Source Water Intakes -- 2.1. Open Intakes^' -- 2.1.1.Inlet Structure and Coarse Screens -- 2.1.2. Intake WaterConduit -- 2.1.3. Intake Screens -- 2.1.4. Intake PumpStation -- 2.2. Subsurface Intakes
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Contents note continued: 2.2.1. Purpose and Function
--2.2.2. Routine Operation
-- 2.2.3. Performance Monitoring
-- 2.2.4. Maintenance
-- 2.2.5. Troubleshooting
-- 3. Source Water Pretreatment
-- 3.1. SourceWater Chemical Conditioning Systems
-- 3.1.1. CoagulantFeed Systems
-- 3.1.2. Flocculant Feed Systems
-- 3.1.3.Scale Inhibitor Feed Systems -- 3.1.4. Biocide FeedSystems -- 3.1.5. Dechlorination Feed Systems -- 3.1.6.Acid Feed Systems -- 3.1.7. Sodium Hydroxide Feed Systems-- 3.1.8. Summary of Typical Operational Problems ofSource Water Conditioning and Troubleshooting -- 3.2.Dissolved Air Flotation Clarifiers -- 3.2.1. Purpose andFunction -- 3.2.2. Routine Operation -- 3.2.3. PerformanceMonitoring -- 3.2.4. Maintenance -- 3.2.5. Troubleshooting-- 3.3. Granular Media Pretreatment Filters -- 3.3.1.Purpose and Function -- 3.3.2. Routine Operation -- 3.3.3.Performance Monitoring -- 3.3.4. Maintenance -- 3.3.5.Troubleshooting -- 3.4. Membrane Pretreatment Filters
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Contents note continued: 3.4.1. Purpose and Function
--3.4.2. Routine Operation
-- 3.4.3. Performance Monitoring
-- 3.4.4. Maintenance
-- 3.4.5. Troubleshooting
-- 3.5.Cartridge Filters
-- 3.5.1. Purpose and Function
-- 3.5.2.Routine Operation
-- 3.5.3. Performance Monitoring
--3.5.4. Troubleshooting
-- References -- 4. Reverse OsmosisSystem Operation -- 4.1. Reverse Osmosis DesalinationSystem -- 4.1.1. Key RO System Components -- 4.1.2.Purpose and Function -- 4.2. Routine RO System Operation -- 4.2.1. Maintaining RO System Fresh Water Production Rate-- 4.2.2. Maintaining RO System Permeate Quality -- 4.2.3.Alternative Approaches for RO System Operation -- 4.2.4.RO System Startup -- 4.2.5. Key Routine Operational Tasks-- 4.3. Performance Monitoring -- 4.3.1. Performance DataCollection -- 4.3.2. Impacts of Source Water andOperational Parameters on RO System Performance -- 4.3.3.Performance Data Analysis and Normalization -- 4.4. ROSystem Maintenance
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Contents note continued: 4.4.1. RO Membrane Flushing andPreservation
-- 4.4.2. RO Membrane Cleaning
-- 4.4.3. ROMembrane Rotation
-- 4.4.4. RO Membrane Replacement
-- 5. Reverse Osmosis System Troubleshooting
--5.1. Overview of RO System Performance Challenges
-- 5.2.RO Process Performance Challenges
-- 5.2.1. PermeateProduction Below Target Flow Rate
-- 5.2.2. InadequatePermeate Water Quality
-- 5.2.3. Excessive MembraneCleaning Frequency and Energy Use -- 5.3. Diagnostics ofRO Membrane System Performance -- 5.3.1. Diagnostics of ROMembrane Integrity and Fouling Issues -- 5.3.2.Diagnostics of Membrane Fouling and Scaling Issues --5.3.3. Membrane Autopsy -- 5.4. Key Equipment PerformanceIssues and Troubleshooting Solutions -- 5.4.1. RO High-Pressure Feed Pumps -- 5.4.2. Energy Recovery Systems --References -- 6. Post-Treatment -- 6.1. Introduction --6.2. Lime/Carbon Dioxide Post-Treatment Systems -- 6.2.1.Purpose and Function -- 6.2.2. Routine Operation
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Contents note continued: 6.2.3. Performance Monitoring
--6.2.4. Maintenance
-- 6.2.5. Troubleshooting
-- 6.3.Calcite Conditioning Systems
-- 6.3.1. Purpose andFunction
-- 6.3.2. Routine Operation
-- 6.3.3. PerformanceMonitoring
-- 6.3.4. Maintenance
-- 6.3.5. Troubleshooting
-- 6.4. Remineralization by Mixing of Desalinated andSource Waters
-- 6.4.1. Purpose and Function -- 6.4.2.Routine Operation -- 6.4.3. Performance Monitoring --6.4.4. Maintenance -- 6.4.5. Troubleshooting -- 6.5.Disinfection Systems -- 6.5.1. Purpose and Function --6.5.2. Disinfection Methods -- 6.5.3. Routine Operation,Performance Monitoring, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting -- References -- 7. Desalination Plant Discharge Management-- 7.1. Introduction -- 7.1.1. Concentrate -- 7.1.2.Backwash Water -- 7.1.3. Other Nonconcentrate Side Streams-- 7.2. Concentrate Discharge to Surface Waters -- 7.2.1.Purpose and Function -- 7.2.2. Routine Operation -- 7.2.3.Monitoring of Discharge Water Quantity and Quality
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Contents note continued: 7.2.4. Maintenance andTroubleshooting
-- 7.3. Backwash Settling and SludgeDewatering Systems
-- 7.3.1. Purpose and Function
--7.3.2. Routine Operation
-- 7.3.3. Performance Monitoring
-- 7.3.4. Maintenance
-- 7.3.5. Troubleshooting
-- 8. Equipment Maintenance
-- 8.1.Introduction
-- 8.2. Pumps -- 8.2.1. Purpose and Function-- 8.2.2. Routine Inspection and MaintenanceConsiderations -- 8.2.3. Troubleshooting -- 8.3. AirBlowers -- 8.3.1. Purpose and Function -- 8.3.2. RoutineInspection and Maintenance -- 8.4. Motors -- 8.4.1.Purpose and Function -- 8.4.2. Routine Inspection andMaintenance -- 8.4.3. Troubleshooting -- 8.5. Bearings --8.5.1. Purpose and Function -- 8.5.2. Routine Inspectionand Maintenance -- 8.5.3. Troubleshooting -- 8.6. Valves -- 8.6.1. Butterfly Valves -- 8.6.2. Plug Valves -- 8.6.3.Ball Valves -- 8.6.4. Check Valves -- 8.6.5. Gate Valves -- 8.6.6. Diaphragm Valves -- 8.7. Mechanical Seals --8.7.1. Purpose and Functions
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Contents note continued: 8.7.2. Inspection, Maintenance,and Troubleshooting
-- 8.8. Mechanical Drives
-- 8.8.1.Purpose and Function
-- 8.8.2. Inspection, Maintenance,and Troubleshooting
-- 8.9. Chemical Feed Systems
--8.9.1. Purpose and Function
-- 8.9.2. Inspection,Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
-- 8.10. AutomaticSamplers
-- 8.10.1. Purpose and Function
-- 8.10.2.Inspection, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
-- Reference
 หมายเหตุ  Summary: ^"A comprehensive, one-volume engineering reference fromthe Water Environment Federation and WateReuse Associationon desalination plant operation andmaintenance..Desalination Engineering: Operation andMaintenance provides a comprehensive one-volume referenceon desalination for municipal water supply professionals.This authoritative guide covers key aspects ofdesalination plant operation, maintenance, andtroubleshooting. The focus is on reverse osmosis membranedesalination, which at present is the most widely usedtechnology for production of fresh drinking water fromhighly saline water sources. This Water EnvironmentFederation and WateReuse Association guide covers state-of-the art operation, maintenance, and monitoring practicesassociated with each of the key desalination plantfacilities--intakes, pretreatment technologies, reverseosmosis equipment, energy recovery, membrane systems, post-treatment processes, and solids handling.... Coverstheoretical principles of desalination and their practicalapplication.. Presents a step-by-step approach foroperation, maintenance, and troubleshooting ofdesalination plant treatment components.. Discusses pre-treatment and reverse osmosis.. Each chapter contains case-study examples illustrating various technologies andtheir practical implementation.. Provides federal andstate regulatory agencies with background on themonitoring requirements to determine and prevent potentialenvironmental impacts associated with the discharges fromdesalination plants and to reduce the impact of theiroperations on the environment.. Uses International Systemof Units (SI) with US units in parenthesis whereappropriate..^"-- Provided by publisher
 หัวเรื่อง  Saline water conversion plants--Maintenance and repair
 หัวเรื่อง  Saline water conversion
 ผู้แต่งนิติบุคคล  Water Environment Federation
 ผู้แต่งนิติบุคคล  WateReuse Association
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