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 ผู้แต่ง  Haddow, George D
Introduction to emergency management / George D. Haddow,Jane A. Bullock, Damon P. Coppola
 ISBN  9781856179591(hardcover:alk.paper)
 ISBN  1856179591(hardcover:alk.paper)
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  Burlington, MA : Butterworth Heinemann, c2011
 ครั้งที่พิมพ์  4th ed
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  xix, 402 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: The historical context of emergency management
-- 2.Natural and technological hazards and risk assessment
-- 3. The disciplines of emergency management: migration
-- 4. The disciplines of emergency management: response
-- 5.The disciplines of emergency management: recovery
-- 6. The disciplines of emergency management: preparedness
-- 7. The disciplines of emergency management: communications
-- 8. International disaster management
-- 9. Emergency management and the new terrorist threat
-- 10. The future of emergency management
-- App. A. Acronyms -- App. B. Emergency management websites -- App. C. Emergency management agency addresses
 หมายเหตุ  Summary: ^"Learn about the discipline of emergency management as ithas developed over the past six decades, including the rapid evolution of the field since the turn of the century. Haddow, Bullock, and Coppola bring the ideal combination of practical and academic experience to their presentation of disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and communications. Extensive case studies cover the latest disasters, offering ample opportunity for current students and practitioners to build their critical thinking skills and grow into the next generation of leaders in this increasingly important profession.^"--Back cover of book
 หัวเรื่อง  Emergency management
 หัวเรื่อง  Emergency management--United States
 หัวเรื่อง  Communication in management
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Bullock, Jane A
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Coppola, Damon P
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    หัวเรื่อง [Emergency management]

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