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E-books : เกี่ยวกับ Collections
Antimicrobial therapy in veterinary medicine / edited by,Steeve Giguère ... [et al.] ; with thirty-one contributors
 ISBN  978-081-38-0656-3
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., c2006
 เลขเรียก  PH12 An631A
 ครั้งที่พิมพ์  4th ed
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  xvii, 626 p. : ill. ; 27 cm
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Antimicrobial drug action and interaction: an introduction/ S. Giguère
-- Antimicrobial susceptibility testingmethods and interpretation of results / R.D. Walker
--Antimicrobial resistance and its epidemiology / P. Boerlin,D.G. White
-- Principles of antimicrobial drugbioavailability and disposition / J.D. Baggot
-- Thepharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationship ofantimicrobial agents (new) / M. Martinez, P.L. Toutain,R.D. Walker
-- Principles of antimicrobial drug selectionand use / R.D. Walker, S. Giguère
-- Beta-lactamantibiotics: penam penicillins / J.F. Prescott
-- Beta-lactam antibiotics: cephalosporins and cephamycins / J.F.Prescott
-- Other beta-lactam antibiotics: beta-lactamaseinhibitors, carbapenems, and monobactams / J.F. Prescott
-- Peptide antibiotics: polymyxins, glycopeptides, andbacitracin / P.M. Dowling
-- Lincosamides, pleuromutilins,and streptogramins / S. Giguère -- Macrolides, azalides,and ketolides (new) / S. Giguère -- Aminoglycosides andaminocyclitols / P.M. Dowling -- Tetracyclines / S.Giguère -- Chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, and florfenicol/ P.M. Dowling -- Sulfonamides, diaminopyrimidines andtheir combinations / J.F. Prescott -- Fluoroquinolones /R.D. Walker, P.M. Dowling -- Miscellaneous antibiotics:ionophores, nitrofurans, nitroimidazoles, rifamycins,oxazolidinones, and others / T. Dowling -- Antifungalchemotherapy / S. Giguère -- Antiviral chemotherapy / D.Yoo -- Prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents andantimicrobial chemotherapy for the neutropenic patient(new) / S. Giguère ... [et al.] -- Antimicrobial therapyof selected organ systems / P.M. Dowling, S. Kruth --Antimicrobial therapy of selected bacterial infections /J.F. Prescott -- Growth promotion uses of antimicrobialagents / T.R. Shryock, S.W. Page -- Antimicrobial drugresidues in foods of animal origin / P.M. Dowling --Regulation of antibiotic use in animals / L. Tollefson ...[et al.] -- Prudent use of antimicrobial agents / S. Weese-- Antimicrobial drug use in horses / S. Giguère --Antimicrobial drug use in dogs and cats / A.D.J. Watson,J.E. Sykes -- Antimicrobial drug use in cattle / M.D.Apley, J.F. Coetzee -- Antimicrobial drug use in bovinemastitis / S. Wagner, R. Erskine -- Antimicrobial drug usein sheep and goats / C.B. Navarre, S. Marley --Antimicrobial drug use in new world camelids (new) / C.K.Cebra, M.L. Cebra -- Antimicrobial drug use in swine / R.Friendship -- Antimicrobial drug use in poultry / C.L.Hofacre -- Antimicrobial drug use in companion birds / K.Flammer -- Antimicrobial drug use in rodents, rabbits andferrets / H.E. Ramirez -- Antimicrobial drug use inreptiles / E. Jacobson -- Antimicrobial drug use inaquaculture / R. Reimschuessel, R. Miller
 หัวเรื่อง  Anti-infective agents in veterinary medicine
 หัวเรื่อง  Communicable diseases in animals--Chemotherapy
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Gigu& 32;re, S. (Steeve)
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    หัวเรื่อง [Anti-infective agents in veterinary medicine]



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